DU 25 – cleanup

I made few steps to clean few things. First i finished Seafile sharing solution to use ssl. I bought one interesting package on unity market so we can examine network code and other assets. I also create directory structure for K&K project.

DU 24 – Bunch

Hi all. Today i have bunch of things in mind. First i recently did not manage to write daily updates on daily basis. Which may point that i slowed down. The opposite is true. I simply used time which i used for updates to actually create stuff. So what is ready. Stairs, merlons, machicolations, corbels, single line arrow slit. I also started creation of great castle gate. The model is ready, the texture is to be applied. Soon i’ll have all needed assets for castle walls, towers and gates creation. I also pick interesting concept how to use internal castle structures. Stay tuned.

DU 23 – Kings & Keeps

Finally!! Thanks to the friends and some brain storming we crated a name for game. The main problem was that lot of our created game names was already taken. So this was really hard job. I also manage to work on some walls and towers. The design of towers is now finalizing in terms of modules already created. It needs to be polished and some prefabs in unity has to be made, to actually check result in game engine.

DU 22 – Arrow Slit

The work has progressed rapidly. The brand new arrow slit is finished. Small stone gate is finished. Now i have to recreate merlon and crenel on the top of the wall. Than i can continue with creation of distinguished features for towers and gates, so they will look spectacular. WIP:

DU 21 – Crisis

Hey all. I wonder whats up. My speed has slowed down and i was thinking today about all. If the goal is realistic. If it can be handled, by two or maybe one person. Well then I realized that I’m doing this for fun. And there is no real work behind. So lets have fun. It is much better to create something, than to only watch TV. Ok some times i love to play with my children 🙂 and with my family. But yes i decided to create game. It does not mater if the game will be shitty as hell :-0 But I’ll make it!!! So I started to redo walls and basically I’m creating assets which will be base(modules) for all walls, towers and gates. Basically everything important in castle building game. Then i’ll import this to Unity and there i will create everything from small pieces. I thing that small polished pieces which will fit together is way to go. Maybe I’m not right, but when i was creating my first wall assets i realized how much time it takes to create simple wall. The thing is, i do not need every wall to look differently than gate or tower. What i need is modules. That in the tower i will add small holes, or some other features that will distinguish it from other things. Sometimes it is real pain to go forward, clueless, tired, without time. But when you find a way, WOW you are unstoppable. You can create whole world alone.

DU 19

I just manage to setup seafile for sharing project files between team members. I still has to figure out how to duplicate main backup to other server.

DU 18 – Long Story

Hey all 🙂 i did not post anything theses days as i was busy with all stuff. First of all second server is up and running. There are backups and mysql replica. There also will be internal systems needed fore developing game. First server will be more “customer” oriented. There is web site and in future there will be all related to public access. And last but not least i manage to create first ground prototype :-). The next step will be to create seafile storage, so there will be place where all project files fill be and maybe git stash. we will see 🙂

Daily Update 17 – Small Talk

I had small chat with a great programmer which is interested in joing the team. He will focus on Unity’s networking and terrain creation abilities. My next job is to make some modular assets for terrain.

DU 16 – Walls Finished ?!

I finally finished all modules for walls. But i realized that they can be much more improved. But what is important. I failed with creating optimum modules. Thus in the future ill need to rework these walls. But that is ok, that was planned 🙂 Future versions of walls will contain, much more modules, and much more shapes. And what is important, it will take less time to create them. But now i have to move further and crate first ground asset.  I have want to be sure, that all will fit together. Walls, ground, towers and other building have to look in same manner.  Yes the screenshot. You have to wait a bit, i’m building small wall example, to show all features.