Daily Update 14 – Wall continues

I made huge progress during this two days. I did not finished what I planned, but i learned a lot of new tricks, so progressing further will now be easier. I also made few begginer’s mistakes. But I’m still learning so that\s ok. Take a look on screenshot from blender:

Daily Update 13 – Happy New Year

I’ve manage to almost finish stone walls modules. The basic ones has color textures and normal maps. The top pieces and bases are only modeled with UVs unwrapped ready to paint :-). When I finish painting of textures, ill import all things in unity and test how it looks. Here is screenshot from Blender:

DU 12 – The Wall

After the prototype a started to work on very basic, but most important wall. It has all main features finished. Yet I have to create spectacular base and also some nice distinct top of the wall. The final touches, like slightly different colors on each stone will be added later, when other stone stuff will be finished (gates, towers and features). During the thinking about the walls i realized that I want absolute freedom of building. I do not want to limit player what he build by any stupid rules. If player wants to have really tall wall, why not. Of course the costs for such building will dramatically arise.

DU 11 – First prototype

I manage to finish first prototype of wall.Β  I manage to apply texture, normal map and metal map. It looks cool however it is far from finished. The size is incorrect, and features are not positioned where they should be. But important is that i now know how to export everything to unity.

Screenshot from blender:

Christmas Update

I had almost no time at all. But when i had someΒ  I played with new wacom tablet. It is more than clear, that I have to learn a lot to master Concept art πŸ™‚

DU 9 – wacom

Today Wacom tablet arrived. After slight delay. I’ve manage to install it to the computer and was trying to draw something πŸ™‚ the results were funny, but expected. Hopefully I’ll find more time during holidays to play with it little bit more.

DU 8 – Small Updates

Today i got sick. I manage to only change few thing on the web and that was all and i went to bed soon. Wacom tablet did not arrived because UPS failed to deliver. The reason was that nobody was on delivery site πŸ™‚ which was not true.

DU 7 – Big Updates

New page TODO has been created with approximate time plan and description what needs to be done and when. It took a great time to compose what is needed and some more time will also be need to finish that πŸ™‚ TODO page

I also manage to compile another interesting page: Pre Works. You can play free game there πŸ™‚ It is not castle related, but still it is a free game.

And the last, but not least. Our team will maybe join one great developer πŸ™‚ Stay tuned.

DU 6 – Small Steps

Small steps every day. That is only viable approach. I manage to import first assets into unity and move them around like i want. Which is great. I tried to create first material by unwrapping UVs. It took longer than i expected. I realized that i have to change way I’m creating models to better fit game environment.Β  But that is all ok it will result in faster game asset creation which is a goal.

Great news! After troubles with bank I manage to order the Wacom tablet, and it is on the way!! It should arrive on Wednesday πŸ™‚ It is freshly developed and i guess one of the first shipped in the World πŸ™‚
